IKTHOF Specifications

Equipment Specifications
Throwers must have 3 tomahawks/axes of the same length and style.
Axes must have a cutting edge no longer than 4.5 inches from tip-to-tip in a straight line.
Axe handles can be no less than 13 inches in length measured from the top of the head.
Axe handles must be wood.
There is no minimum weight for the head.
The maximum total weight of the axe is not to exceed 2.5 pounds.
Any participant with an axe that has more than one cutting edge (double bit, spikes, etc) must clearly identify which edge will be scored before competition begins.
If more than one cutting edge touches the surface of the target, it will be scored a zero.
Rotational Knives
Throwers must have 3 knives of the same length and style.
Knives must be a minimum total length of 12 inches, to a maximum of 16 inches from tip to handle.
The blade of the knife can be no more than 2.5 inches wide.
Knives must have an obvious handle and blade.
Live blades are not recommended, particularly for novice throwers.
It is suggested that knives weigh one ounce-per-inch or heavier for the safety of the person in the next lane.
No-Spin Knives
Throwers must have 3 knives of the same length and style.
Knives must be a minimum total length of 9 inches, and a maximum of 16 inches from tip to handle.
The blade of the knife can be no more than 2.5 inches wide.
Knives must have an obvious handle and blade.
Live blades are not recommended, particularly for novice throwers.
It is suggested that knives weigh one ounce-per-inch or heavier, to compete for the safety of the person in the next lane
Bo Shuriken or Spikes longer than 9” (25.4cm) and less than 16” (40.64cm) in length and at least 5oz (141.7g) in total weight are also permitted and encouraged. If the knife is untraditional or in question, the Range Master must approve the knife before the competition.
Handles are permitted on knives, Bo Shuriken, and Spikes. Any material is acceptable: Tape, Sports Wrap, Paracord, and Twine with Epoxy coat, etc.
Gyro knives, Flying Knives, or any other knife that allows air to pass through the handle to hinder spin are not permitted.
Fletching, tassels, etc. are also not permitted.
In addition, a length of cordage or chain cannot be attached to the knife to be thrown like a rope-dart.
Short spears are not permitted.
The regulations for this league define a spear as over 13” (33.02cm) in length with a point/blade which length makes up for less than a third of the implements overall length.